How long have you been doing CrossFit?
I've only been at CrossFit Up for 2 months, and that's pretty obvious if you watch my form and lack of endurance. 

What are some things you’ve accomplished since starting?
I've given and received more high fives and fist bumps than I have in my entire life, and I now know what it means to go to a box to do an AMRAP WOD that incorporates an abmat, C&J's, BS, and DU's as Rx'd - it's like knowing the secret code that only cool kids understand!  Oh, I also got a muscle up, I mean MU, which was worth about 4 high fives and 3 fist bumps. 

Are you working on any new CrossFit goals or PRs?
I'm so inflexible that any movement that requires flexibility looks painful (probably because it is), so my goals have to include flexibility.  I don't have any set numbers in mind, but I'd like to be able to pick up heavier stuff too.  

What’s your favorite outdoor activity?
This is a bit of a problem for me, because I love everything.  Climbing, hiking, biking, running, surfing, swimming, camping, paddling - you name it. The problem is that I don't have time to do all of it, usually none of it, so I'm not really good at any of it.  I'm hoping that CrossFit will help me to become better able to jump into any of these activities without passing out from lack of fitness.  

What’s your favorite indoor activity?
Wouldn't it be rude to say that it wasn't CrossFit with my favorite coaches?

What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
Do you know how much poop an 80 pound chocolate lab can generate in a couple of months?  I do.  Now imagine having to carry all that (like a kettlebell) down some stairs, up another set, then up a steep driveway in the dark (I always forget to take out the trash until it's late enough to wake the neighbors).  Yeah.  I hate that.  

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
My first thought would be to stay in my 20's, but maybe it'd be fun to be 110 forever.  People would always be checking up on you (to see it if you're still alive), you'd get great senior discounts, and you wouldn't give a shit about anything.  

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
I'm still holding on to my childhood dream of becoming a professional breakdancer some day.  

If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?
Well I wouldn't die for one.  

If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?
When I was a kid, I thought that "Steve" was the coolest name you could have.  It's like instant street cred.  I've come to terms with the Irish heritage in my name, but I'm sure I could lift more if I were Steve.  

What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you cry or tear up?
Ever since my daughter was born, I cry during every sad or powerful moment in movies, reading books with my class, or even commercials.  I'm a mess.

What do you do for a living? Married? Kids?
I teach 4th and 5th grade in Soquel.  Most of the time, it's the best, but sometimes it's the worst.  I feel really fortunate that I to get to laugh and play as much as I do.  
I married a gymnast soccer player with a PhDwho is better than me at everything.  I can't even say what her fancy job title is without reading it slowly.  
My daughter is an amazing middle school kid who inherited her mom's good looks and my short attention span.