An update on where we stand with CF and CF HQ

Dear UP Community,

The last few months have been rife with seemingly endless challenges and changes, and we appreciate how you've all been on board with helping us continue to make UP a place for fitness, fun and community.  

We wanted to give you an update with where we stand with CrossFit HQ and with the name of our gym.

When we opened CF UP in 2013, it was to create a place for people to come together to improve health, fitness and connection, and felt CrossFit was the perfect medium to help us reach this goal.  Fast forward to 2020 and we continued to be steadfast in our commitment to our members and still believing CF Methodology to be the best route to help people continue to reach their goals.  We'd be lying if we said that the last few years of being an affiliate owner have been easy, with all the changes CF HQ had gone through, with many dear friends losing their jobs, communication with affiliates non-existent, and the messaging becoming less clear about what CF really is.  Simply put, it was changing from the inside out into something that was different from what we signed up for in 2013.  Our belief in what CF was hadn't changed.  How important we felt our connection to the local and global CF hadn't changed.  But, we feared CF was changing at the hands of Coach Glassman towards something that maybe wasn't representing, or always honoring, the hard work going on inside affiliates on a daily basis, and that maybe CF couldn't survive as a result of the lack of leadership from Glassman and the lack of transparency and communication from CF HQ.  

Then came Glassman's email response to the affiliate owner, and the next day the insensitive comment about BLM, and we decided we had had enough.  And so did many, many others.  From the inside looking further in, Glassman was not one to appease anyone, and we didn't think there was a capacity to truly change, let alone "right the ship," with him in change.  We made our declaration to dis-affiliate because we wanted to distance ourselves, and shield our community, from what seemed like was going to happen; that Glassman was going to take the CF name down with him.  This was a tough decision, but supported, or at least understood, by you all, and we're grateful that you trusted us during this transitional time.  

To our surprise (well, more like shock, really), Glassman stepped down as a result of this situation.  Never in a million years did we see this happening, and for those who have been around CF for a while, I expect you didn't either.  Due to over 1000 affiliates pledging their disaffiliation, loss of sponsorships, and phone calls from their staff and seminar trainers asking him to step down, he actually did, and is stepping away.  A deal has been in the works for a month to name a new CEO and owner, Eric Roza (CrossFitter and tech entrepreneur), with many expected changes to the operations of CF.  Being a little guarded and not wanting to be wishy-washy, we decided to wait and see to make the best decision and see if they deserved our trust and affiliation moving forward. Talk is cheap, and actions truly speak louder.

Last week, Eric Roza signed a deal to purchase 100% of CrossFit and take over as it's new CEO.   I can't tell you how excited we are about this, and I feel like we are getting "our" CrossFit back; the one we signed up for, the one with a unified local and world-wide community of amazing people, the one that is focused on becoming "the world's leading platform for health, happiness and performance," a direct quote from Roza's release about the signed deal (read it here).  Not to mention they (Roza and HQ) have listened to affiliate owners and are already advocating and galvanizing the affiliates and athletes in the community and are demonstrating incredible leadership to bring about real change in the CF community, internal (HQ) culture, the affiliate and athlete experience and championing inclusivity at all levels.  Transparency and communication have been the best, and most clear, since we affiliated. We've concluded these are changes, values, ideals, and leadership principles we can get behind, and we're excited to announce we will continue our affiliation as CrossFit UP.  

What does that mean for you?  Well, that hoodie you bought a few months ago not only looks good but is incredibly current:). Seriously though, our commitment to our members hasn't changed, and wouldn't no matter what our name was.  Being a CF gym definitely gives us an identity as a community, but also binds us to a global community, unified to crusade for better health, better fitness, and to live better lives.  Our affiliation means we believe in and support CF as an organization, believe CF can change the world for the better, and that we believe in giving this new leadership the opportunity to have a greater positive impact through the collective CF Community.  Ultimately, we want to feel good about supporting an organization in order to bring about change, and we want our members to feel a sense of pride for aligning themselves with CrossFit as well through our gym.  8 weeks ago I know we didn't feel good about it, and I'm sure many of you didn't either.  I hope with the changes that I've mentioned, the trust we are putting back into CF, and any information you look into on your own, that you, too, can feel good about being a part of CF, and CF UP.

Again, thank you to all of you for being a part of our community and trusting us with your health, happiness and performance.

With love and gratitude,

Ryan, Sonja and your CrossFit UP Team

Member Highlight - meet Patrick Foster!

How long have you been doing CrossFit?
I've only been at CrossFit Up for 2 months, and that's pretty obvious if you watch my form and lack of endurance. 

What are some things you’ve accomplished since starting?
I've given and received more high fives and fist bumps than I have in my entire life, and I now know what it means to go to a box to do an AMRAP WOD that incorporates an abmat, C&J's, BS, and DU's as Rx'd - it's like knowing the secret code that only cool kids understand!  Oh, I also got a muscle up, I mean MU, which was worth about 4 high fives and 3 fist bumps. 

Are you working on any new CrossFit goals or PRs?
I'm so inflexible that any movement that requires flexibility looks painful (probably because it is), so my goals have to include flexibility.  I don't have any set numbers in mind, but I'd like to be able to pick up heavier stuff too.  

What’s your favorite outdoor activity?
This is a bit of a problem for me, because I love everything.  Climbing, hiking, biking, running, surfing, swimming, camping, paddling - you name it. The problem is that I don't have time to do all of it, usually none of it, so I'm not really good at any of it.  I'm hoping that CrossFit will help me to become better able to jump into any of these activities without passing out from lack of fitness.  

What’s your favorite indoor activity?
Wouldn't it be rude to say that it wasn't CrossFit with my favorite coaches?

What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
Do you know how much poop an 80 pound chocolate lab can generate in a couple of months?  I do.  Now imagine having to carry all that (like a kettlebell) down some stairs, up another set, then up a steep driveway in the dark (I always forget to take out the trash until it's late enough to wake the neighbors).  Yeah.  I hate that.  

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
My first thought would be to stay in my 20's, but maybe it'd be fun to be 110 forever.  People would always be checking up on you (to see it if you're still alive), you'd get great senior discounts, and you wouldn't give a shit about anything.  

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
I'm still holding on to my childhood dream of becoming a professional breakdancer some day.  

If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?
Well I wouldn't die for one.  

If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?
When I was a kid, I thought that "Steve" was the coolest name you could have.  It's like instant street cred.  I've come to terms with the Irish heritage in my name, but I'm sure I could lift more if I were Steve.  

What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you cry or tear up?
Ever since my daughter was born, I cry during every sad or powerful moment in movies, reading books with my class, or even commercials.  I'm a mess.

What do you do for a living? Married? Kids?
I teach 4th and 5th grade in Soquel.  Most of the time, it's the best, but sometimes it's the worst.  I feel really fortunate that I to get to laugh and play as much as I do.  
I married a gymnast soccer player with a PhDwho is better than me at everything.  I can't even say what her fancy job title is without reading it slowly.  
My daughter is an amazing middle school kid who inherited her mom's good looks and my short attention span.  


Member Highlight - Jen Browne

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit?

    - My first day was November 14, 2015. Coach Nic made me make an unbreakable vow to come check out the Saturday community WOD. 

Photographic evidence: Jen at her first workout at UP!


2. What are some things you've accomplished since starting. 

  - The first thing I began to notice was my endurance and strength changing along with losing weight.  I can run without stopping. I'm amazed that I can lift so much more than when I first started. It's as if when the weight comes off my butt it goes on the bar. I can strict press my 7 year old son with no problem, so that's cool. 


3. Are you working on any new CrossFit goals or PR's 

 - Yes! I want that pull up so bad and when I finally get it I'm throwing a party and you're invited. 

   DU's, T2B, the list goes on and on but I really want that pull up.

Jen and Jon with the results of their first Open workouts!


4. Favorite cheat meal?

 -Joes Crab Shack. The whole shack. 


5. What's your favorite outdoor activity?

-Backpacking! I love it. Jackass Lake, yep, is one of my favorite places. I like to find the highest peak and climb to the top. 

Jen and her son Michael hiking.


6. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

 - Speak fluent Japanese. 


7. If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?

 - Climb Mt. Everest. It could be done in one day, right?


8. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?

 -John Lennon. I just want to give him a hug and tell him "thank you"


9. What was the last movie, TV show, or book that made you cry or tear up?

 -Pete's Dragon, like five minutes in. 


10. Name something on your bucket list.

- See the Northern Lights.






Member Highlight - Liz Addy



How long have you been doing CrossFit?

I started CrossFit in April 2016.


Are you working on any goals or PRs?

I would like to do an unassisted pull-up. It’s something I’ve never been able to do.


Favorite Cheat Meal?

Dessert is my cheat. I have such a sweet tooth.


What is your favorite outdoor activity?

I enjoy running on the beach.


What is your favorite indoor activity?

Spending time with family and friends.


If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

I would learn to speak every language. I thin it would be great to be able to communicate with everyone.


What’s the hardest thing you have ever done?

I moved to California from Connecticut on my own and established my life and career here.


What was the first thing you bought with your own money?

A 50-disc CD player/stereo.


What song you would sing at Karaoke night?

I do not have a good singing voice, so I would not be singing at Karaoke Night. Believe me, it’s for the best.


Where are you from?

I am from Connecticut (born and raised) and moved here in August of 2003.


What do you like to listen to when you work out?

Anything with motivational lyrics or an upbeat tempo.


Do you have any hobbies or other sports you are into?

I enjoy cycling, running, tennis, racquetball, basketball, and I love watching the NY Giants play. I also enjoy painting and baking.


Name something on your bucket list.

I would like to travel and visit England, since a lot of my relatives are from there.


Member Highlight - Caitlin Atkinson

How long have you been doing CrossFit? 

I started CrossFit earlier this year.

What’s your favorite outdoor activity?

Almost anything outdoors in nature is exhilarating, I love feeling connected.

Are you working on any new CrossFit goals or PRs?

Showing up three times a week.

What’s your favorite indoor activity?

Cooking, creating and cleaning.

What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

Phone calls and grocery stores.

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

I am 37 years old, and so far I have loved every year that has passed. I hear it gets a bit harder after 70…

Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?

When I was younger, Jennifer Love Hewitt.

I can totally see it! :)

When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you pass the time?


If you had to work on only one project for the next year, what would it be?

My husband and I have been working on transforming an old barn on my family’s property into a small abode and I would love to spend a year there digging in and working on the landscaping.

What was your favorite food when you were a child?

Loved lemons and cinnamon, still do!

Where are you from?

Nevada City, Ca

If you could live anywhere where would you want to live?

Probably right where I am.

What do you do for a living? Married? Kids?

I am a photographer, stylist and most recently author of a new book! Married, no children, one high maintenance little dog.

Do you have any hobbies or other sports you’re into?

I grew up playing everything from football to mountain biking with my brothers, settled on soccer and nordic skiing in high school and now I occasionally play tennis or go for a run, but always up for something new.



Member Highlight - Barry Green

Barry and one of his daughters (Gabby) working out together.


How long have you been doing CrossFit?

Almost 2 yrs

What are some things you’ve accomplished since starting?

Balanced strength & flexibility throughout my body. I feel great!

Favorite cheat meal.


If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?

Wingsuit Flying

Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?

Denzel Washington

When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you pass the time?


What song is included on the soundtrack to your life?

Let it Happen, Tame Impala

Best concert you have ever been to?

Green Day at my UCSC dorm quad

First kiss?

Still waiting;)

Have you ever had something happen to you that you thought was bad but it turned out to be for the best?

Divorce. Big changes usually lead to growth, but not fun initially

What was one of the best parties you’ve ever been to?

My wedding was a mini-summer camp session in CO with all circles of friends and family together for 3 days. Even though we didn’t last, I would do it again in a heartbeat!

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?

Parenting 3 daughters thru their teens. I have twins (19) and a 13 year old.

Barry's three daughters.


What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?

Throwing a match into a 55 gallon drum of oil on a construction site for a school near my house. I was 6 or 7yrs old.

What do you miss most about being a kid?

No cell phone-internet.

What song would you sing at karaoke night?

Eyes Without A Face- Billy Idol

What do you do for a living?

Surfing-life-wellness Coach:

Barry shredding the gnar.




Coaches Highlight - Neno Bartocci

We all love us some Neno - even if that means getting up at 6 am! :)

Learn more about one of the nicest people who ever walked the planet. This planet. Any planet.

Neno, Gerianna and their two boys.


1.  Where are you originally from?

West Suburbs of Chicago

2. When, where and why did you start doing CrossFit?

I started following CF as it grew in popularity throughout the military community. Then, after I got laid out by my first workout in 2010 there was no turning’s been a big part of my fitness journey since.

3. When did you start coaching CrossFit?

I have been certified to coach for well over a year now and have been using CF methodology with my student-athletes at UCSC ever since.

4. Favorite movement/skill to coach?

I like the Olympic lifts but anything with a barbell in my hand will do.

5. Is there one CrossFit movement/skill that you either can’t do or suck at?

The dreaded’s been my goal since I began but hopefully not for long. Handstands are a close second. I can always use some work developing my “gymnastiness”…that’s a word, right?

6. What’s your “jam”?

Barbells, bear crawls, and lifting/moving heavy shit. I’m a fan of the grunt work.


Speaking of grunt work...


7. Weirdest or most surprising fact about yourself.

In a previous life, I was a tech geek in the military and worked on top secret stuff. I am the hardware to my wife’s software. We make a pretty good tech team.



8. Favorite cheat meal.

Anything that doesn’t include roughage. The greasier the better…no regrets. Well, maybe some regret.

9. What story does your family always tell about you?

Now that I have children of my own, my mom never misses an opportunity to remind me of my childhood habits. I think the flavor of the month is how I would whine when told to put clothes on thinking we were leaving the house...I liked hanging out in my underoos and still do to this day, what can I say?

10. Name something on your bucket list.

To head across the pond and see my favorite soccer team, the Tottenham Hotspur, play anyone. COYS!

11. What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

It’s a toss-up between the dishes and laundry. But laundry is only in the conversation if it contains silly things that cannot be thrown immediately in the dryer and/or folding little people clothes.

12. If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?

This sounds dismal and legit, crazy but I think it would be neat to experience death in as many forms as possible (without harming anyone else, of course). Car crash, jumping from a building, getting shot or stabbed, drowning, suffocation. Why not, right?

13. If you could meet anybody, living or dead, who would you meet?

I’m not too impressed by celebrities… but I have a soft spot for great leaders. What makes people follow other people regardless of the setting fascinates me. If it’s someone who leads...I’ll be the one standing close trying to soak it all in

14. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

As per the usual...take care of family first, no surprise there. Set it up to last me a lifetime...then get a sweet RV/camper van coupled with a bitchin boat and set out on a kick ass world tour involving all the wonders of the world, national monuments, live musical experiences, outdoor adventures,, etc. Family fun times until I die or the money runs out. That’s what rich people do, right?

15. What’s the hardest thing you have ever done?

Raising children, hands down! It’s well worth it but there is no amount of prep that will get you ready for the journey. In the end, you have to trust your gut and roll with the punches. Parenthood makes you think about how cool your mom and dad used to be before you came along.

16. What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?

Not enough room to write it all down…we’d be here for a while.

17. What’s the worst gift you have ever given or received?

Not a big fan of greeting cards…I feel like it’s a waste. I mean, what do you do with those things afterwards anyway? I will always appreciate receiving one but will defer to something else when returning the sentiment.

18. When was the last time you were nervous?

Contrary to popular belief, I get nervous more often than not. It’s like a duck in the water...calm and collected above the surface but moving those webbed feet 100 miles a minute below the surface. Anytime I need to coach, present, perform or address a small group I get a little bit nervous but in a good way.  


Thursday 7.7.16

Bre, descending on her OH Squat 3-2-1. 

I hope you're on SugarWOD by now 'cause this is the LAST blog post for a couple of weeks!  What's that you say?  Not sure what this is? 

We're now using SugarWOD to post workouts, log your scores, strengthen our community and track your progress.  This FREE app is filled with useful tools, and allows you to keep your own records while keeping an eye on the leaderboard.  Miss a WOD?  Go back a few days and it's all right there for you to hit during Open Gym.  Need more help?  Ask one of our helpful coaches or one of our community members who are actively using it. 

For time:
60 DU’s
35 push-ups
60 DU’s
28 ring dips
30 box jumps 24/20”
30 box jumps
14 C2B
15 triple-unders
7 muscle-ups
15 TU’s


EnduroWOD at 6:30pm with Coach Daigle!


O: 10 med ball cleans

E: 10 push jerks
Heavy, you pick #

Wednesday 7.6.16



OHS 75/55#


Check out some MWOD prep!

Tuesday 7.5.16

Lots of cleans, more squats, and even more community suffering (read: fun) on this July 4th superWOD, Partner "1775." 

Hope everyone had a safe and sane 4th of July weekend!  For all those who came out yesterday, let's flush those legs 'cause it's time to run. 

Run 1600m.

Rest 3:00

Run 1200 m.

Rest 2:00

Run 800 m.

rest 1:00

Run 400 m.

Score each run and total time. 

*From Mainsite ( if this isn't bookmarked on your browser, it should be.)

Friday 7.1.16

3, 2, 1, ROW!  Round 15/15.  Determined.

It's July- this year is really taking off!!???!??!?!  Well, this workout is, too. 

Flight Simulator is one of the most frustrating WODs ever.  Burpee penalty or must contribute to the swear jar if cursing out of pure anger for missing your DU;)

A: split jerk


B: “Flight Simulator”
For time:
5 Unbroken Double-Unders
10 UB DU’s
15 UB DU’s
20 UB DU’s
25 UB DU’s
30 UB DU’s
35 UB DU’s
40 UB DU’s
45 UB DU’s
50 UB DU’s
45 UB DU’s
40 UB DU’s
35 UB DU’s
30 UB DU’s
25 UB DU’s
20 UB DU’s
15 UB DU’s
10 UB DU’s
5 UB DU’s
You must stop between sets. No singles allowed. Time cap is 25 min.

**Scale: Unbroken Single Unders**

Thursday 6.30.16

It was a tight race, but Dan won by (how many calories do you think?). 

Way to CRUSH some CALS today, peeps!  Crazy effort all damn day. 

Tomorrow we have 2 couplets.  You don't really have to pick, you can come to the 5:30 and stay for the 6:30=simple!

kipping/ butterfly tech.

Strict HSPU
C2B pull-ups




Amrap 25:
50 air squats
25 burpees

Wednesday 6.29.16

Row, Row, Row your Boat.  Dial in in folks and go for broke!  Don't break the rowers, but this should sting a little bit. 

15 rounds (30 min total)
1 min max calories on rower
1 min rest

(no straps for quick switch w partner if needed)

Score calories


Need some extra assistance on your technique?  Check out these videos from Concept 2 (the people who make that machine of pain you're about to ride) and common errors.  Dial it in: efficiency = winning!

Tuesday 6.28.16

Nora und zee German swings.  Team Rise 'N Shine getting after this burner on a summer morning. 

Today was a burner, and tomorrow we get the barbell! 

4 rounds
21 deadlifts 135/95#
400 m. run
7 sq. snatch 135/95#

Monday 6.27.16

Form, focus and commitment.  Coach D$, eyes on the prize.

On some Mondays we have that extra spring in our step.  Well, hopefully this is one of those Mondays for you, you're going to need it.

90 DU’s
50 KBS 53/35#
50 sit-ups
90 DU’s
40 KBS
40 sit-ups
90 DU’s
30 KBS
30 sit-ups
90 Du’s
20 KBS
20 situps
90 du’s
10 KBS
10 situps

Friday 6.24.16

Nice day, might as well movement prep out in the sun!  Vitamin D is good for athletes, don't you know?  Re-Test #4 coming at you tomorrow. 

*Re-TEST 4
400 m. run
300 m. row
21 box jumps
400 m. run
300 m. row
15 box jumps
400 m. run
300 m. row
12 box jumps
400 m. run
300 m. row
9 box jumps 24/20”


Here are your results from last time.  Did you get fitter? Now you should be putting it into SUGARWOD!

Thursday 6.23.16

Who said fitness isn't functional?  Nora and Ryan, applying their fitness at the Spartan Race.  Yes, I chose this picture to clue you in to a movement you will be seeing tomorrow. 

Tomorrow is also a chance to re-test against this AMRAP.  2 high skill movements makes for a challenge!  Who's ready?


Amrap 15
10 c+j 135/95#
5 bar mu’s


3 rounds
50 alt. Pistols
30 side-to-side slam balls 20/14#
20 hang power snatch 115/75#

Wednesday 6.22.16

Coach Eddie explaining Coach Daigle's infamous stick figures.  Definitely want to jump rope like "this guy." 

Press 1RM coming back your way!  Then, what the hell, might as well blast the shoulders. 

Press, 1RM

Amrap 12
20’ HS walk
10 T2B
10 SDHP 95/65#

Member Highlight - Dena!

1.    How long have you been doing CrossFit?  I started in 2012 in Seattle, and last August at UP after a 15 month hiatus.

2.    Are you working on any new CrossFit goals or PRs? Body weight deadlift (I just need to lose a few pounds…:)

3.    What do you do for a living? Married? Kids? I am an Orthopedic PA. I see patients in clinic 3 days a week and operate 1-2 days a week. I am married to my best friend, Dave, and have 3 fur children Kangaroo, P-nut and Monty.

4.    What’s your favorite outdoor activity? Hiking

5.    What’s your favorite indoor activity? Reading or baking, but unfortunately, I don’t do enough of either these days.

6.    What chore do you absolutely hate doing? Putting away the clean laundry.

7.    If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be? 31

8.    If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Pay off my student loans, then take an extended vacation to France.

9.    Best concert you have ever been to? Pearl Jam x 10!!

10.Have you ever had something happen to you that you thought was bad but it turned out to be for the best? I didn’t get a summer internship with an NFL team during undergrad (because I was not male), which led me to pursue a different career as a PA. Definitely turned out better!!

11.What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you cry or tear up? Hold the door :)

12.What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done? PA school. The absolute hardest, longest two years of my life.

13.What do you miss most about being a kid? I don’t miss being a kid at all.

14.If you could live anywhere where would you want to live? The French countryside, but within a hour of a major city.

15.Where are you from? I was born in Staunton, VA. I have lived in 7 different states plus the District of Columbia and 12 different cities, so I don’t really feel a distinct connection to any one place. (I do really miss Seattle which felt like it was “home”).

16.What do you like to listen to when you workout? I like heavy hard rock, like Tool, NIN, Ministry.


Tuesday 6.21.16

53/100.  Nic going "speed blur."  #nofilter

How did you do on this re-test?  Hopefully faster and fitter, and knowing what to expect.  Go back in the blog from 5/9 and find it if you need to.  HIGHLY Recommend downloading SugarWOD and joining CF UP- keep all of your WODs, records in one place, AND check the leaderboard and give props to your friends.  Sounds like a win-win-win-win!

5 rounds
20 unbroken DU’s
20 wall balls 20/14#, 10/9”
20 sit-ups


Results from Re-Test 1!

And just to compare to 5.9 (I'm being nice.  Download SugarWOD now and I won't have to do this every time:) )