Bre, descending on her OH Squat 3-2-1. 

I hope you're on SugarWOD by now 'cause this is the LAST blog post for a couple of weeks!  What's that you say?  Not sure what this is? 

We're now using SugarWOD to post workouts, log your scores, strengthen our community and track your progress.  This FREE app is filled with useful tools, and allows you to keep your own records while keeping an eye on the leaderboard.  Miss a WOD?  Go back a few days and it's all right there for you to hit during Open Gym.  Need more help?  Ask one of our helpful coaches or one of our community members who are actively using it. 

For time:
60 DU’s
35 push-ups
60 DU’s
28 ring dips
30 box jumps 24/20”
30 box jumps
14 C2B
15 triple-unders
7 muscle-ups
15 TU’s


EnduroWOD at 6:30pm with Coach Daigle!


O: 10 med ball cleans

E: 10 push jerks
Heavy, you pick #