Team CF UP at the Spartan Super this past Saturday. How did you apply your fitness this weekend?

Team events are fun: they bring people together, there is a mutual feeling of suffering and accomplishment, and they present a challenge where you might just push a little harder than you otherwise would.  Now, even though I'm not a huge fan of "participation" ribbons or trophies, after 9 miles of seemingly endless hills, dirt, dodging poison oak, sunshine and water breaks, dammit we earned this one.  We had a great and incredibly strong TEAM, and I know we will be even stronger, both physically and in numbers, next year.  But hey, we train for this every damn day here at CF UP, so who knows where our #fitness will take us by then. 


Defecit HSPU 5”/3”
L-sit rope climbs

Need some help kipping your way though 45 deficit HSPU (sorry, had to add it up for you)?


Oh, and we came up with something about mile 3: next time you want to say f#%k, just say fitness.  Can you do it without smiling? Try it this week!