Member Highlight - Nora Brink!


At her recent 29th birthday...:)



1.    How long have you been doing CrossFit? 

February 2014.

2.    What are some things you’ve accomplished since starting?

DU, one strict pull-up (it literally has been one), T2B’s, increasing in weights (very proud of my Deadlift) and my biggest accomplishment: many many kipping pull-ups!

3.    Are you working on any new CrossFit goals or PRs?

A second strict pull up.

Nora wins first prize for best "girl-abs" in the gym!


4.     Favorite cheat meal.

I couldn’t pick a favorite. That wouldn’t be fair to the other cheat meals.

5.    What’s your favorite outdoor activity?


6.    What’s your favorite indoor activity?


7.    What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

Putting the freshly washed and folded laundry away. Hate it.

8.    If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

Funny that this is a question as I have been 29 for a while now….

9.    If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?


10. If you had to work on only one project for the next year, what would it be?

Building a little house on a remote island.

11. If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?


12. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?

I would actually want to meet up with my mom and grandma for a day!

13.  If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

By an island, so I can build my little house.

14.  Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?

I wouldn’t say mistaken but I get Darryl Hannah a lot and Laura Dern (I don’t see it though).

Nora or Daryl?


15.         Best concert you have ever been to?

Phoenix at the Catalyst and of course Prince….but I think the biggest emotional rollercoaster was New Kids… I know.

16. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?

I think, as it will be for most of us going through the loss of a lost one. Losing my mom very sudden at what I figured was a for her young age and then having to dismantle your home will probably always remain the hardest thing I have ever done.

17. What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?

I usually didn’t. I was wait to afraid of any authoritative figures.


Which one is it?


18. What’s the worst gift you’ve ever given/received?

I think, as a kid you usually get presents you don’t really appreciate. I think, there were a lot of them I wasn’t too fond of, but I really don’t remember one specific one. I hated it when I got sweets for Christmas my grandma should have known I hated and then I had to negotiate exchanges with my cousins.

19. What do you miss most about being a kid?

Not having to be grown up.

20. What was the first thing you bought with your own money?

A TV. Hated having to settle on programming options with my mom.

21. What story does your family always tell about you?

There is not much story telling anymore but my favorite one is when I apparently pointed out to my pre-school teacher that she is wearing the same outfit as the day before. She was not too happy. Clearly I have always been very observed and fashionable.

22. Weirdest or most surprising fact about yourself.

I am a total klutz, but this may not a be surprise to anyone.


All done!

Wednesay 5.25.16

Everybody pullin'.  Going to be a lot more of this on Monday. 

Lucky Number 7. 

Front squat

3 tall cleans, building

Hammer the basics, and your squat cleans will improve dramatically.  Check this video from CF HQ on the fine points of the Front Squat.

Tuesday 5.24.16

Oly in every phase.  Putting all that practice to use on a Monday morning.

Tomorrow we trade the barbell for other round objects, some with handles and some without and a bit of gymnastics to keep it interesting. 

5 rounds
20 Russian KBS 70/53#
200m. Med ball run 20/14#

Big day of big results from Monday!

Monday 5.23.16

Weekends are for applying your fitness in any way you see fit.  Yes, Spikeball counts

We're starting the week off with some big moves: Snatch (variations) and big box jumps.  Be quick, high AND low. 

Snatch balance

Power snatch 95/65#
Box jump 30/24”


Here is Coach Burgener talking about the snatch balance. 

Coach Nic and Coach Eddie are going for "Tabata Abs" whenever they can! Nice extra credit.

Sunday 5.22.16

Going OH tomorrow- but only after you get low.  Sunday OLY/barbell playtime with coach Nic.

Front squat

Clean + power jerk, clean + jerk (1+1+1+1)x5

Friday 5.20.16

How'd you do with the movement of the day?  A Daigle cartoon origional.

Tomorrow, we get after a movement I love (I know you're all surprised).  Hint: it's not the burpee.


B: amrap 6
40 DU’s
12 burpees

Although, the burpee has origins in science, more than just a penalty.  Intellectual lint:

Here'sa video of how to perform the ideal TGU under great control.  "The weight will teach you."  Study, perfect, benefit from the stability.  The original calisthenic. (Side note: saw Brett Jones (the studly bald guy you're mistaking for me in the video) do with with a KB over 100# = amazing).

Thursday 5.19.16

The Rowers got WORKED today.  Great effort by all!  And congats to Heather for her first sub-2min 500m.

Could chose one or the other, but......

since they are different movements, why not do both?

A: max static handstand hold

B: amrap 9
9 t2b
18 jumping lunge



10 rounds:
10 dumbbell thrusters 45/30#
10 ring push-ups


Results from Wednesday!

Wednesday 5.18.16

Leigh conquering the box jump.   Determination and success!

Congrats to all who challenged "Air Force" WOD today!  Hope you got your squats in. 

Tomorrow we work up to a heavy triple on the power clean, then go fast in the 500m row.  Empty the tanks and write that one down. 

A: “touch n’ go”
power clean

Use heaviest # for each set.

B: 500 m. row for time

Coaches Highlight - Nic Yeo


1.     Where are you originally from?

I was raised in Michigan but my family is Canadian, from Ontario. Let me coach you long enough and you’ll catch the accent pop up.


2.     When and why did you start doing CrossFit?

In 2014. Skeptical, at first, but my love grew.


3.     When did you start coaching CrossFit?

October of 2015.


4.     Favorite movement/skill to coach?

Definitely Olympic lifts. The high level of skill makes achieving a lift that much more exciting.


5.     Is there one CrossFit movement/skill that you either can’t do or suck at?

My flexibility continues to be an issue for me, so I still need some training wheels getting into the bottom of a pistol and similar things. Also my snatch needs work, but who’s doesn’t.


6.     What’s your “jam”?

Deadlift. And Back Squat. And Abs.


7.     Weirdest or most surprising fact about yourself.

I’m a pretty open book, not many surprises here. Ask the right questions and I’ll tell you anything.


8.     Favorite cheat meal.

Five Guys. I’m a huge eater, but I usually keep it pretty legit, Wholefoods has all my money, but once in a while I need a Five Guys. And I apologize if you’ve ever seen me eat one. It isn’t pretty. It’s fast and messy. Insert joke here.


9.     What story does your family always tell about you?

They have a ton. Most of them involve me being a total ham. My dad’s job involved a lot of dinners and gatherings and I was the star of them all.


10.  Name something on your bucket list.

Skydiving for sure. I don’t think I’ll ever actually pull it off unless I woke up to someone throwing me out of a plane. I don’t handle stress well.


11.  What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

My husband could write a book on this, I will go with pick up dog shit. Or dishes. Love to cook, hate to wash.


12.  If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?

Snatch 400#s. Maybe take on ISIS if there’s time left over.


13.  If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?

Depends on what I’m meeting them for. I think getting to go back stage and meet an artist or something is just crazy awkward for everyone involved. But if they moved next door and let me watch their dog, totally down. If that was the case I’d say Barack. He and I would make awesome neighbors.


14.  If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

The first thing you do is the boring shit. Paying everything off. Then the fun begins. Probably something involving a house on the ocean.


15.  What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?

In a past life I was a Flight Attendant for Delta Airlines. Training for that is 2 months of living in a big-brother-style house with 30 other trainees and putting in full days, 6 days a week. And tons of tests. It was pretty trying, but worth it.


16.  What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?

Usually it was my mouth that got me in trouble.


17.  What’s the worst gift you’ve ever given/received?

You get married so, on the way to an event, you can ask “You got them something, right?” I can’t tell you the last gift I actually purchased myself, not just took half the credit.


18.  When was the last time you were nervous?

I have a pretty big fear or failure, so most things make me nervous. But I try to channel it. I’d say probably the last big nervous was heading to my CF L-1 cert.




Tuesday 5.17.16

Rowing while your friends do other stuff. You guys crushed this Monday Team WOD.

Tuesday up next, I'm already hearing the soundtrack. WOD, technique WOD (snatch @6:30p) with Daigle, and yoga (on DPT @6:30p) with Tina.  Donavon took this for a test "flight" a couple of weeks back- ask him about it!

“Air Force”
For time:
20 thrusters
20 push jerks
20 OHS
20 front squats 95/65#
EMOM 4 burpees



Monday 5.16.16

Get UP and get, get, get down, Saturday WODs ain't no joke in this town.  There was a burpee or two happening.......

It's Monday and we might as well work together to start the week.  Good thing you've all been crushing your abs lately, you'll "rest" during the plank hold. 

Amrap 18:
In teams of 3,
1- row for cal
2- 18 pull-ups
3- plank hold

Score calories, pull-ups sets the pace, plank must be held for work to count, then rotate for 18 min.

Saturday's BEAST of a WOD.  Well done everyone!

Saturday 5.14.16

Test #4 in flight. 

Get ready for another fun weekend of fitness!  Coach Nic holding down Saturday am- start your weekend off right and share your love for UP and fitness by bringing a friend to our 10am Community WOD!

Coach Eddie will be on deck for Sunday's WOD (they swapped this weekend). 

Here are the results from Test 4- great work everyone!  Keep these records to compare in a few weeks.

Friday 5.13.16

Julie finishing strong while Nick gets in a little added agility work.

Alright, 3 down, 1 to go!  Big week of testing, this one is no joke.  Yep, "cardio."

400 m. run
300 m. row
21 box jumps
400 m. run
300 m. row
15 box jumps
400 m. run
300 m. row
12 box jumps
400 m. run
300 m. row
9 box jumps 24/20”

Thursday 5.12.16

Jenny's....Last..... Day (sniff)...... Coaching at UP.......  Thanks for all you've done for our athletes and community here at UP.  You're an amazing coach and wonderful person (and evil genius programmer) and we know you'll rock this whole motherhood thing.  ;)

Test #3 is a good one.  Testing your oly AND your Gymnastics.  Let's dial you in for both. 

Skill: bar muscle-ups (Link to Video here:

Amrap 15
10 clean+jerk 135/95#
5 bar muscle-ups

EnduroWOD at 6:30pm

:60 on, :60 off
50 bent over row
100 push press 95/65#
150 back squat

Score total time including resting minutes.

Results from Wednesday!

Wednesday 5.11.16

When you blast through 90 OHS during today's EMOM you can sit in a tire until feeling returns to your hands and legs.  Coach Donavon being beastly. 

Shoulder press

In 10 min:
Row 500 m.
Then, amrap
5/5 single-leg RDL’s (BB) 75/55#
15 push-ups

Score row time and amrap

Tuesday 5.10.16

Med ball belly pics with Coach Jenny, post-WOD.  Maybe we should have given her 1.5 reps for each?  Either way, bad ass mama-to-be. 

Great work on Test 1- GI Jane.  Tomorrow, isn't any more of a test than any other day, and may not be repeated any time soon, but who knows........  Unknown and Unknowable. 


Odd: 100 m. shuttle run (50 out & back), then max OHS 75/55#
Even: 20 KBS 70/53#

*Score OHS reps

RESULTS from Monday-

Monday 5.9.16

Saturdays are all about grit and teamwork.  No one suffers alone.  Howard and Leigh, patiently waiting their turn.

This week is a test of the CrossFit UP Intensity and Efficacy System.  Through the week we'll have 4 WODs that will repeat in approximately 6 weeks.  These are not necessarily benchmarks, but as CrossFit is "Objective, Measurable and Repeatable," we'll run them again and be able to track our progress.  This is a good time to reinforce that improvements from training come from consistency, preparedness and intensity, and we urge you to give your all in these areas.  In fact, we'll even provide the structure to do so- as we've added a "Workout Accountability Log" in the gym to cover the next 6 weeks.  Any time you come in for a WOD, Open Gym or even Yoga, you get a check mark- let's see how often you're really coming in and strive to make fitness a constant in your life.  See you in the gym.

Ready to start?  Here is TEST 1:

“G.I. Jane”
For time:
100 burpee pull-ups


Friday 5.6.16


At the end of the week we propose a special challenge.  Are you UP for it?

Skill: Triple- unders!

For time:
50 ring dips
1 mile run


Got Trips?  If not, check out this from CF HQ- Tommy making it look easy. 

Thursday 5.5.16

Pick your poison: Regular WODs or Endurance WOD at 6:30pm.  If your legs feel tight from the 10RM Back squat, come in and loosen them up with either of these!

A: bent over rows, 4x5

B: For time-
500 m. row
25 T2B
1 K row
20 t2b
Row 500 m.
15 t2b


EnduroWOD @ 6:30pm

6 rounds:
20 Deadlift 75/55#
15 Hang power cleans
10 push jerks

Wednesday 5.4.16

Row, row, row your WOD.  Then crush your quads with some wall balls = FUN!

Row, row, row your WOD.  Then crush your quads with some wall balls = FUN!

Life is all about balance.  That is why we crush your abs and then hammer your posterior chain with a 10RM Back squat.  Don't want the front to be left out!  Remember, you need the front to get more out of your back.  Just sayin'.

For time:
200 flutter kicks

Find 10 RM Back Squat