1. Where are you originally from?
Born and raised in Santa Cruz!
2. When and why did you start doing CrossFit?
2010 was my first workout in my neighbor’s back yard. I thought I was in pretty good shape, turns out I was not fit, nor could I squat! Sore for days doing some simple body weight movements.
3. When did you start coaching CrossFit?
After we opened the gym in 2013.
4. Favorite movement/skill to coach?
I know this will come as a huge surprise but I really love teaching the movements we cover in the Fundamentals class. Learn it right the first time and build from there. Hopefully our athletes that have only done CrossFit at UP will not even know what a bad squat feels like!
5. Is there one CrossFit movement/skill that you either can’t do or suck at?
Overhead squats. Hate ‘em.
6. What’s your “jam”?
Deadlifts, pull ups and double-unders are my favorite.
7. Weirdest or most surprising fact about yourself.
I played the harp as a child.
8. Favorite cheat meal.
Burger. Beer. Fries. Chocolate dessert.
9. What story does your family always tell about you?
Probably something about me being too nice?
10. Name something on your bucket list.
More travel to far off places. Open to the experience more than any particular destination.
11. What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
Sealing the trailer’s roof!
12. If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?
Surf huge waves, and skydive. Yes, in the same day.